Sunday, June 29, 2008

ALA Annual Conference: Day 3 to them, Day 1 to me

I finally got to the ALA Conference. Today, I picked up my badge and did a quick sweep of the exhibit hall.

It's a Saturday, but I feel horribly under-dressed. I am hoping that people look dressed up (at least to me) because most of the attendees I saw are older and/or are probably at the conference for work. The dressiest clothes I packed are button-up shirts and casual, summer-weight slacks. The only footwear I packed are my very comfortable walking sneakers and flip-flops.

I examined the program guide and didn't see anything about a dress code. The web site mentions that business casual is "appropriate" but I saw a lot more people who were more formal...and I also saw a few people wearing shorts. =_=; I have to resist the urge to over-think this. I just have to keep telling myself that I'm breaking the stereotype.

I intend to spend more time at Nintendo's spot in the exhibit hall. I'll probably be spending most of my time at the Gaming/Graphic Novel section of the exhibit hall if I'm not attending panels. Other than that, I'm supposed to go to watch Dean Koontz speak and then try to get one of his books autographed for my friend who's providing me with crash space.

Monday, June 9, 2008

I can has ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition badge?

My ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition conference materials (badge, expocard, that sort of thing) have arrived in the mail. Yay!

Now if only I could get my friends to stop calling it LibrarianCon. :unamused: